Simon Charter
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Eestikeeles allpool

My biography has included work in engineering and physics, artistic therapeutic work and 4 years of biodynamic farming and gardening. However mainly I have been doing practical work with water in the environment.

I have had a lifelong interest in the qualities of form, those we see in nature, as well as those in man made structures and art. 22 years ago I set up a company, Ebb and Flow, devoted to landscape projects involving Flowform water sculptures (furthering the work of John Wilkes). These have included ecological waste water systems, therapeutic and educational environments as well as garden landscapes just for their beauty. I have designed a few of my own Flowforms but have also enjoyed working with the designs of others.

I have also taken an interest in the forming properties of water and the connection between this and the forms found in living organisms (as revealed especially in the work of Theodor Schwenk). Projective Geometry is also able to show this connection and I have begun to work more intensely with this, sensing it may be the key to an understanding of many otherwise baffling phenomena in life.

For many years I have run short workshops studying the nature of water but recently as part of a masters course I have researched the way we can learn through engaging creatively with the element of water, allowing an active conversation to reveal something of its language.

I am a member of the Anthroposophical Society and the Christian Community

Minu biograafia hõlmab ameteid inseneriteadusest ja füüsikast, kunstilisest terapeutilisest tööst ja neli aastat tegelemist biodünaamilise põllumajanduse ning aiandusega. Sellest hoolimata olen teinud peamiselt praktilist tööd veega looduses.

Mul on olnud elukestev huvi vormi omaduste vastu - nii nende, mida näeme looduses, kui ka inimese loodud struktuurides ja kunstis. 22 aastat tagasi asutasin oma ettevõtte Ebb ja Flow, mis tegeleb maastikukujundusprojektidega, sh vooluvormi veeskulptuuridega (viies edasi John Wilkes'i tööd). Need projektid on hõlmanud ökoloogilisi jäätmevee süsteeme, terapeutilisi ja hariduslikke keskkondi, aga samuti ka aiamaastikke silmailuks. Olen ka ise vooluvorme kavandanud, kuid hea meelega töötan ka teiste loodud kujundustega.

Mind on huvitanud ka vee vormiomadused ja nende side ning elusorganismidest leitavad vormid (need on eriti hästi välja toodud Theodor Scwenk'i töödes). Neid seoseid näeb ka projektiivses geomeetrias ja ma olengi hakanud sellega intensiivsemalt tegelema, tundes, et see võib olla võti mõistmaks paljusid senini arusaamatuks jäänud fenomene.

Palju aastaid olen läbi viinud lühikesi loodust ja vett käsitlevaid seminare. Hiljuti jõudsin selleni, kuidas saame õppida vee elemendiga loovalt suheldes, lubades aktiivsel vestlusel avada midagi sellest, kuidas vesi meiega räägib.

Olen Antroposoofilise Seltsi ja Kristlaste Kogukonna liige.