2015 Jul 14
Algallika Guesthouse lies right by the sea in Western Estonia in the Matsalu National Park.Rooms are less than 100m from the sea. We have over kil...
2015 Mar 15
Väikese Jalajälje kogukonna eesmärgiks on edendada kestlikku, tervislikku, loodussäästlikku ning kogukondlikku eluviisi. Me soovime sihipäraselt ...
2013 Mar 29
In the late nineteen-eighties the idea was born of a self-sufficient and self-governed ecovillage. The founding members moved into the "project c...
2013 Mar 20
We are an ecovillage: the members of the community are a group of artists, intellectuals, artisans, researchers who have become over time the spir...