
What is Location?

Location is specification of certain place.

Example: Community, Church or Yoga hall.

There is four kinds of info about the Location:

  • Precise location (address, map, coordinates)
  • How to get there (logistics)
  • General info about the place (textual info)
  • Images (visual info)


People often post information about their event and also include some info about the location. It is frequent that events are repeatedly held in certain locations. So it is easier to define the Location once and after that only refer to it. Not only buy you, but it becomes available for all.

Location info is shareable

One person defines the Location for his/her event and after that every member can refer to the Location. So everybody benefits. Every member can contribute content to the Location. It is very welcome if you can contribute more detailed info to the Location.

How and where?

The Location will be available as independent page.

Locations are referenced from Activities.

In addition there is a list of Locations and there is a map with Locations.